Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sampling Wine and Sharing Food

Dish of the Week- Antipasto Platter
This weekend we escaped Sydney for a day and went to the Hunter Valley to sample different wines and restock the cabinet, with a couple of dear friends. The Hunter Valley is only a couple of hours drive from Sydney, and offers beautiful scenery and some of the greatest wines that Australia has to offer. The region is famous for their long-lived Semillons and earthy Shiraz wines, and the former is considered unique in the category of white wines, as it is particularly good for long-term ageing and significantly changes character over time. When young, the Semillon wines often have a dry, crispy taste with hints of citrus flavors, and then evolve in to more a complex wine over time that has characteristics of nuts and honey.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Value of Food Markets

Dish of the Week- Thai Prawn Noodle Salad
Living in the city and/or leading a hectic life in general it is easy to get used to shopping food in big supermarkets that offers easy solutions to making food quick and easy. This is especially true during weekdays when you are tight for time, and just want something to ease the hunger after a long commute home from work. More the reason why I treasure my weekends, as I have both the time and the energy to source and cook fresh food.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Beef Extravaganza

Hi all,

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who have left lovely comments on my Facebook page, and sent me emails with feedback on my blog and custard bun recipe. I appreciate all the feedback, and hope you will continue to follow me on my food journey. I will do my best to incorporate some of the changes that you have suggested!!! I just bought a new camera on Monday, and will be playing around with it on the weekend, and hope you will see improvements on photos for my next recipe on Sunday. 

I have recently undergone a detox that focused on no red meat, no alcohol, no sugar and no processed food. I enjoyed the food  on the detox and can definitely see the merits in cleansing your body of toxins for twelve days.

But the whole process made me think of whether red meat is bad for you or not? I am far from an advocate for eating red meat every day, but also felt great after twelve days of no red meat at all. However, I am a firm believer in having everything in moderation, hence I decided to treat myself to a beef night at one of my favorite restaurants. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Skoleboller- Norwegian Custard Buns

Dish of the Week- Custard Buns
Selecting what was going to be my first recipe to share on the blog was easy and had to be something sweet!

I have always loved Skoleboller- Norwegian Custard Buns, and still remember how good my grandmother's ones tasted when I was a kid. Mine are far from as good as hers, but I have spent some time perfecting the recipe. I am originally from the city of Bergen in Norway, and I would say that we have a passion for good buns that comes in all shapes and forms. I am not sure whether this stems from the days when Bergen was a part of the German Hanseatic League, but there are no buns that can compete with scrolls from Baker Brun (a bakery chain) in Bergen.