About Me

Hi and Welcome to My Blog!
After playing with the thought for a while, I finally took the leap and opened up my own food blog. My passion for food is quite a 'new' journey, as up until four years ago I was a hesitant cook. Moving to Australia from my native country Norway was tough in the beginning, as the supermarkets down here are massive, but never seemed to have the ingredients I was looking for. So in a lot of ways I guess one can say that my cooking initially started as a necessity but ended up being a labor of love.

I have been thinking of a name for the blog for a while, as i wanted it to signify something about me, my cooking and where I am from. After careful consideration 'Søtt og Salt Down Under' seemed like the obvious choice, which in English translates into 'Sweet and Salty Down Under'. I love cooking sweet things, and a while back I took some British friends to the Norwegian Seaman Church in Sydney, and they thought all the treats in the little shop were salty. Hence, it is kind of a running joke now that I am making sweet and salty treats when I cook Norwegian food for them.

With this food blog I want to introduce you to to the wonders of Modern Australian food which is signified by the multicultural population of this massive island continent. Sydney Morning Herald's Good Food Guide classifies it as: 'A fusion of food combined with Asian and European traditions, cooking styles and ingredients'. I am also very devoted to cooking traditional Norwegian dishes, and hope to share some great dishes with you, which often use simple ingredients but are spiced up with great tasting sauces!

My cooking is very much about going back to basics and using fresh ingredients. I hope to inspire and teach others some of the tricks I have learnt on the way, and that through this blog I will challenge my own skills and boundaries in the kitchen.

I will post recipes once a week, and would love to hear your feedback on the way that I have posted the recipe, steps and processes, and tips on how I can do it differently next time will be very much appreciated.

I look forward to sharing this adventure with you... 
