Monday, March 28, 2011

Quiche or Pie?

Dish of the Week: Asparagus, Leek and Gruyere Quiche
Australians love their pies and I have never seen them come in so many shapes and forms as they have down here. They will even go as far as putting up slogans outside their cafe's claiming to have the best or biggest pie on offer in Australia, some have the right to claim this whilst others perhaps should have thought twice before boasting something they simply cannot deliver on. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Vanilla Flavoured Icy Poles

I sincerely apologies for the silence on my blog the past month, I have been travelling for work, hence not much cooking done by me the past four weeks. Before I went on my overseas trip, Sydney was still bathing in sunshine and enjoying nice temperatures, but after my return autumn seems to have kicked in. I started working on today's blog post before going away, therefore it has more of a summer theme than being inspired by autumn..